Winery SEO Services:
More web traffic.
More tasting room visitors.
More business growth.
Grab a Bigger Share of the Wine Market
Attracting new audiences to your winery website is a sensible and cost-effective way to grow your wine business.
It is also a goal that is well within your reach.
Are you frustrated seeing your website search rankings far behind sites that are not even your competitors?
Are you tired of lackluster trickles of search traffic arriving at your website?
Your small winery website can climb steadily above larger websites in search rankings.
Where is all your Organic Search Traffic Going?
Today, much of the organic search traffic for wine-related terms is going to non-winery websites.
Wine blogs, reviews by wine columnists, and large liquor outlets are among the websites grabbing search traffic that would be rightfully yours.
Attributable to their better SEO practices, these sites are siphoning the attention of your potential audiences and customers.
But now you can change the score.
Here are some SEO statistics that might change how you view the importance of SEO for wineries >
Winery Search Engine Optimization:
Some SEO numbers which may surprise you
Everyone understands the value of getting visitors to their websites through organic search. These numbers might make you take another look at how you're approaching your winery's SEO practices.
1. More than ⅔ of all web experiences begin with a search engine¹.
That's right — we've become conditioned to turn to search engines to begin our thinking process.
The initial search might lead to a blog, a review by a wine columnist, or to your winery's webstore.
2. Even websites appearing as high as page 2 in Google’s search results (positions 11-20) still have only a 0.63% chance of getting a click from a user².
You've maybe heard that the best place to hide a dead body is page 2 on Google. Well some data compiled by Backlinko backs that up.
If you want traffic for your website, Page 1 is where you want your site to be.
3. More than 90% of web pages receive no organic search traffic at all³.
If you regularly check your Google Analytics data, you may have seen evidence of this on your own winery's website.
Many site owners don't realize the complex and specialized nature of search engine optimization and unnecessarily suffer disappointing site traffic as a result of this oversight.
Winery Website
SEO Audit
Personalized report:
Fast actions for the biggest gains
Wineries are getting beaten on their own turf
Is your winery getting beaten in SEO? Is your website getting crowded out of search results by peripheral, non-winery websites?
You have the home-court advantage. There is no reason for you to be getting beaten.
Instead of watching as your stream of visitors dries up, bring on a specialized wine SEO rainmaker.
Our wine SEO specialist has been turning websites into SEO success stories for 20 years.
Nobody doubts the importance of SEO for wineries.
The importance of ranking higher in search results is universally understood.
Larger companies never hesitate to invest marketing dollars into search performance.
Smaller wineries with limited resources may perceive an SEO company to be beyond their budget.
However, putting off investing in professional wine SEO services can lead to even higher costs in lost visitors.

Wine SEO is a constantly changing landscape. Staying abreast of the ever-evolving developments can be challenging for SEO do-it-yourselfers.
You can get help from a wine SEO company at a low cost right now with our SEO Audit and Biggest Gains Report.
Designed specifically for small wineries, our SEO audit gives you a comprehensive snapshot of your website’s search engine optimization factors.
Included with the SEO Audit is our Biggest Gains Report, which details the actions to focus on first to bring you the quickest results in your winery’s organic search performance.
Quick question: can you guess which channel delivers more traffic: Social or Search?

Wine SEO Provides Qualified Visitors
When you engage the services of a professional winery SEO services agency, the focus is on attracting relevant traffic.
We focus on the users who are conducting web searches that are relevant to your specific winery. For example, the varieties you work with, your wine styles, and perhaps your price range or region.
In other words, we focus on the things that make you, well … you.
The key here is making your site rank high in search engine results for the specific terms your customers are searching for.
It does you no good to target high-traffic search terms if they fail to bring you customers.
SEO is not about manipulating the search engines; it’s about understanding what people are searching for and delivering quality content that answers their questions.
The value of long-tail keywords
Wine SEO can appear a bit mysterious at times.
For example, the word, “Zinfandel” might seem like a good keyword for attracting traffic, but the reverse is true.
Targeting generic terms like this puts you in competition with Wine Folly, Wikipedia, Food and Wine, LiquorWorld, and millions of other websites.
The query, “peppery zinfandel from Sonoma County” displays links to specific wineries in the search results.
Long-tail keywords have lower search volume, but much lower competition.
With long-tail keywords, you can help Google understand your website’s purpose more accurately, resulting in more qualified visitors.
Digging Deeper:
Your winery's SEO from Google's perspective
Which improvements to your website will have the greatest impact on your winery's SEO?
Google's continued reputation as the web's most useful search engine relies on their ability to consistently provide listings of the most relevant websites to any particular search.
But how does Google (and other search engines) determine which webpages are the most relevant to a user's search query?
They use a closely guarded proprietary algorithm which applies weighted priorities to several factors, including URL, title and header tags, keyword density, clarity and quality of the writing, site structure, page load times, linking domains, and what they call "user signals."
What are user signals? User behaviors while visiting a website, provide signals to the search engine indicating the usefulness of the site in terms of how positive or negative the user experience.
These behaviors include time-on-site, bounce rate, click-through rate, and return-to-SERP (search engine results page) rate.
There is another metric you may have heard, called Domain Authority, which was created by MOZ. Although some SEO professionals talk about its importance, Google has confirmed many times that Domain Authority is not used as a ranking factor.
Keep Your Visitors Engaged on Your Site Longer
A unique factor in our SEO success is our focus on helping your website visitors quickly find what they are looking for.
We can no longer expect visitors to arrive at our websites via the homepage, gaze spellbound at the stunning photography, and become drawn helplessly to the Purchase button.
Analytics data shows that many winery website visitors who arrive through the homepage leave without venturing further.
Whether it is a particular aesthetic, specific information, or ease of use, these visitors are not finding what they came for.
Another reason your homepage is not your best landing page >
Understanding the needs of your visitors and successfully leading them toward their desired actions is the new SEO.
Keep your visitors engaged on your site longer. Search engines will take notice and respond by ranking your website higher in search results.
Digging Deeper:
Why visitors leave your site
Revealing why your website's visitors leave without taking the desired action
Why do your winery's website visitors leave your site? The short answer is, they’re not finding what they are looking for.
If we view this from the perspective of someone planning a visit to Sonoma from the Bay Area, it might look like this:
Erin begins her online search, not knowing much about wine except that she and her boyfriend like big juicy reds. She looks at a few websites which all have words like “Authentic” and “Volcanic” and “Family-Owned," but she can't figure out if any of them will have the big juicy Cabernets that she likes, so she heads back to Google.
Meanwhile, Jessica, who understands wine pretty well, sees the same thing — “Authentic” and “Volcanic” and “Family-Owned" — and this is frustrating to her because she doesn't care if you're a third-generation winemaker if you're oaking the hell out of your wines. So, back to Google she goes.
People leave your winery’s website because your content doesn't seem relevant to what they're looking for.
"Authentic" might be appealing to someone looking for a quaint winery experience, but not to someone who wants to understand Syrah. "Minerality" might pique the interest of someone who has experienced that before, but not someone who likes "sweet" wines (you know I mean "fruity" right?)
The thing is, the same content can't be relevant to all audiences. So what's the solution?
The solution is to structure your site, and divide your content in ways that segments your website's visitors and gives them the kind of content that will be relevant to them. (There are ways to do this).

Make your website perform better in Google search rankings, attracting more web traffic.

Attract visitors who are more likely to become your customers and visit your winery.

Get better results from paid advertising through improved page relevance scores.
Catering to User Intent Means More Visitors
Do you know what your visitors intend to accomplish while at your website?
Is their intent Informational (hoping to learn about a particular wine), Transactional (planning to purchase some wine), or Navigational (wanting to know your hours or get directions)?
The various pages on your website can be designed to cater to these user intents differently. If you can do that successfully, you will sell more wine, see more guests, and gain more traffic.
Digging Deeper:
Using landing pages for more traffic
How landing pages can be used to bring more traffic to your winery's website
Landing pages — pages on your website that visitors land on from an external source, such as a search engine, email link, link from another site, or a URL typed directly into the browser — are much more than they seem.
Not surprisingly, traffic to your winery's website can arrive through any page on your site; not just the homepage.
A Google search for Zinfandel wine clubs, for example, could conceivably deliver a visitor to your Wine Club page, suggesting that your Wine Club page is a landing page for the search term "Zinfanel wine clubs."
Why does this matter? It matters because it means that online users might find your website from many many more search terms than you could ever fit on your homepage, and also it means that your homepage doesn't need to fulfill the role of appealing to all people about all things.
How many other search terms could your Wine Club page rank for in a Google search? These might include search phrases such as Cabernet Wine Clubs, Pinot Noir Wine Clubs, Best Wine Memberships, Wine Clubs with Best Benefits, and so on. Your Wine Club page might be split into several pages that cover more specific topics, all leading to the same sign-up page.
From here, we can begin to see how a landing page strategy might form. (We would need to research these potential search phrases in order to determine whether your site can rank for them.)
A landing page strategy helps your winery by pre-segmenting your audience as they arrive at your website, directing your visitors to the page that is most relevant to them, causing them to become more engaged with your website, increasing the likelihood of converting into a customer.
We’ve been providing SEO services for wineries, and many other companies, since 2008. We know how to look for real SEO opportunities for your winery.
Digging Deeper:
SEO for wineries
Answering the question, "Does SEO for wineries really work?"
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is something that every digital wine marketing agency lists on their website as a service they offer. But what exactly are they providing?
SEO for wineries can be broken down to two important factors:
1. Attracting potential customers to your winery's website, and
2. Making your website relevant to those potential customers.
These two SEO factors work to reinforce each other: If your winery's website content is relevant to your visitors, Google will rank your site higher; if your site ranks higher, you'll get more traffic.
But many digital wine marketing agencies focus their efforts at simply getting more traffic, while disregarding whether that traffic will be qualified to convert into customers.
For example, increasing the number of visitors to your winery's website, only to have 90% of those visitors leave within 10 seconds of arriving at your site is not beneficial to your business.
Your winery's SEO must be relevant to your specific target audiences.
Creating relevant content based in keyword research, which delivers visitors to a well-organized website, will lead to increased sales.
Our winery SEO services give and give and give
You can attract new thirsty-for-your-wines audiences by revitalizing your website with customized wine SEO approaches.
SEO for wineries is highly specialized for the many nuances of our audience and product. It is a long-term upgrade of visibility and exposure for your winery.
Investing in the right wine SEO practices today can secure your winery in the top search results long into the future.
As a Sonoma SEO agency and a wine industry insider, Wine Chemistry Creative is the catalyst for connecting new audiences with your winery.
Did you know funneling your website visitors away from your homepage is the smart move? Read why >
Digging Deeper:
Not the homepage
Your winery's homepage, and why you don't want your website visitors to land there.
Here's why you don't want your winery's website visitors to land on your homepage: you don't know anything about these visitors, so you don't know what they care about.
Let me explain. When a visitor lands on your "Visit us" page, what are they interested in? When a visitor lands on your "Events" page, what information should you present to them? When a visitor lands on your "New Release 2022 Rosé" page, what did they search for to arrive there?
And now what about the visitors to your "Home" page?
Should you be trying to get them to visit? Maybe they're not local. Should you be trying to sell them wine? They might be interested in booking a wedding.
If these people are landing on your homepage, instead of specific pages related to their search, they’re likely to not see what they are looking for.
Statistically, your homepage is likely to appeal only to a small fraction of your visitors, with the massive majority leaving in disappointment.
The goal of your homepage is to catch the visitors who searched for your winery name only, and there should be other pages on your website that are very narrowly focused on all the other different ways that someone might find your website. These are landing pages.
Good SEO creates a positive user experience for your website visitors. A positive user experience increases your SEO performance.
Focused SEO for tasting rooms
The right SEO practices can achieve two important things for your tasting room:
- Getting more visitors, and
- Getting the right kind of visitors.
By developing an SEO strategy that considers geography, intent, and search topics, we can drive qualified traffic to your tasting room.
We look for who your best tasting room customers are likely to be. By learning what search terms they use, we craft engaging content that attracts those same people to your tasting room.
Improve your paid search ROI through better SEO
As you know, there is a lot to love about good winery SEO. But did you know that it can also help your Google Ads Quality Scores?
Better Google Quality Scores translate to more prominent ad placement, at a lower cost per click.
With landing pages well-designed for conversions, the financials can become a no-brainer. Watch your average cost to acquire new customers drop, as your revenues rise.
Winery SEO Audit
Get a clear picture of your winery's biggest SEO issues and top-priority easy wins.- 5 comprehensive site audit reports including Issues & Warnings, Coverage, On-page SEO, Traffic, and Recommendations
- Clearly explained details about every item covered in your reports and their impact on your site
- A personalized report describing the top action items for you to target for the biggest gains in search performance
- A 2nd, follow-up re-do of your SEO audit within 6 months to show your site’s progress
Full-Service SEO Package
Best suited to winery teams ready to make big improvements- The Winery SEO Audit +
- Resolve major Issues and Warnings
- Take appropriate steps to enhance site coverage and indexing by search engines
- Implement top-priority on-page recommendations
- Implement top-priority page load and usability improvements
- Creation of custom Google Events for enhanced tracking (additional cost)
- Content re-writes for optimized search performance (additional cost)
Content Editing Service
Ongoing content optimization- Performance monitoring and reporting
- Ongoing keyword monitoring
- Up to three content page re-writes per month
- Recommendations for future content ideas
- Recommendations for incorporating other improvements and best practices
- Wine Email Marketing Strategy
*We will provide a detailed proposal for your approval before starting.
Select the package you’re interested in. We’ll contact you to discuss your specific needs.
Book a free 30-minute consultation
Not sure what the best approach is for your winery? Set up a free 30-minute consultation to ask any marketing or strategy questions you can think of. It will be well worth your time.