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Wine Content Marketing
The best way to promote a winery

Content marketing for wineries delivers more visitors

As wine promotion strategies go, wine content marketing is ideal for attracting new audiences and delivering more customers to your winery — for years to come.

Producing engaging winery content marketing does three things big things for your winery:

Number 1

Relevant, targeted, and unique wine marketing content attracts and delivers new audiences to your winery’s website;

Number 2

Clear, helpful and informative content on your winery’s website moves your visitors towards taking desired actions (click, subscribe, join, buy, visit … );

Number 3

Fresh, original and engaging wine content boosts audience perceptions, and increases brand affinity, trust, and conversions.*

*According to a recent study by researchers at Conductor.

Adding relevant and interesting content to your website provides a compounding benefit for your wine marketing efforts. You could say that winery marketing content generates real compound interest.

And the nice thing is that it’s easy to get started — you just need to know three simple things. Together, these three things form your wine content strategy.

What is a Wine Content Strategy?

A wine content strategy is the What, Who, and How of getting your marketing to produce what every winery is looking for. Do I have to spell it out? MONEY.

Money is what allows you to keep making wine, and a simple wine content strategy will help you attract that money to your winery.

Don’t let the word Strategy turn you off. We can guide you through it in no time flat.

We’ll help you with goals, identifying your audience, and even creating a list of topics that your audience cares about.

You’ll be channeling John Steinbeck before you know it.

Digging Deeper:

Defining wine content marketing goals

You learned about SMART goals in business class; now it's time to put them to use

As a small buisness owner, you're already acutely aware of the need to disregard anything that takes time away from running your business.

Your content strategy needs to have clearly stated goals which are directly tied to your winery's business objectives, such as selling more wine, getting more people into the tasting room, or more visitors to the website.

This is not about more followers on Instagram, or more likes on Twitter — as these do not produce revenue.

Additionally, your goals should be S.M.A.R.T. goals, which stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-Based. An example of a Specific goal would be “increasing tasting room traffic by 20%.”

Digging Deeper:

Engaging your winery's website visitors

Knowing who you’re writing for, and what they care about is what gets them on board with your brand. It makes them believers and buyers.


Knowing who your audience consists of is the very first step towards understanding what they care about and being able to engage them.

Remember, not all your website visitors came for the same reason: some have never heard of you, some may have heard your reputation for making the most flamboyant white Zinfandel, and others are your loyal club members.

You need to know who is visiting your website. 

You can learn what your visitors care about by taking a peek through your Google Search Console data.

It will probably also surprise you when you see all the many things your visitors were searching for when they found you.

Digging Deeper:

Your winery's content distribution channels

Do your winery's content distribution channels align with where your best customers like to hang out?

Your content distribution channels are those venues where you publish your winery's marketing. These will include your website, marketing emails, blog posts, trade publications, social channels, backlinks, and shares.

These distribution channels are the means for bringing new audience members into your sales funnel, nurturing those who are already part of your sales funnel, and retaining your more loyal followers such as subscribers, club members, and long-time friends of your winery.

Each distribution channel for your content has a different audience (although there can be some overlap) and different audience behaviors, requiring your content to be formatted differently.

As an example, an educational blog post which is designed for the general public will have a different voice and tone to an email newsletter that goes out to just one segment of your subscribers.

An important point to note is that it is not necessary — or even efficient — to be everywhere, for example, on every social network available. The savvy winery marketer knows where their winery’s audience hangs out, and that’s where they distribute their content.

We also a schematic of your existing content showing how it relates and links to each of the areas of your website, identifying gaps and opportunities for your content to attract new audiences.

Digging Deeper:

Get an email marketing content calendar

How to start using an email marketing content calendar for your winery's email marketing

A content calendar for your winery’s email marketing doesn’t need to be anything complicated — a simple Excel file will get the job done, and I’ll explain shortly how to set it up.

The benefits that a content calendar provides are difficult to pass up: the ability to look ahead, to brainstorm topics, to list keywords, to create a good balance of topics, to list calls-to-action, sources for quotes … seriously, there are tons of them.

Setting up your content calendar at the most basic level is simply a list of topics that you plan to cover over the upcoming months. As you begin to realize the usefulness of this, you’ll add more columns and more details until you end up with something as beautiful as this content calendar you can download for free:

How winery content marketing brings visitors to your website

Content marketing for wineries is about providing answers to queries that your audience is searching for.

Creating original content for your website that serves the above purpose actually expands your website’s reach and exposure. The reason for this is that you’re vastly increasing the number of search terms for which your site can be ranked by search engines.

The number of visitors a search engine delivers to your website depends on the usefulness and relevance of your content to the searches it is ranking for.

This is determined by the keywords your content contains, how that content links to other related content on your site, and how external content (content on other websites) links to it. All of these factors can be improved with a little search engine optimization.

Content marketing for wineries attracts new audiences

Attract new, untapped audiences to your winery's website

Content marketing for wineries is engaging when it's lively

Lead the conversation with lively and engaging new content

Content marketing for wineries keeps audiences engaged

Keep your visitors engaged with your winery, leading to valuable interactions

Why is wine keyword research important?

Keyword research involves using tools to determine which search terms related to your website’s goals have high search volume, yet low search competition.

One way to look for keyword opportunities is to first consider these three questions:

Which search terms are we currently ranking for?

Which search terms are our competitors ranking for?

Which search terms do we want to rank for?

And then to look for those keywords with high search volume and low competition.

Money is what allows you to keep making wine, and a good wine content strategy is what allows you to spend less money on marketing for the returns it brings your winery.

Wine content marketing brings new audiences from outside your funnel

One of the many benefits of wine content marketing is that it brings audiences from outside your sales funnel, that you likely haven’t identified as targets, to your website. 

However fortuitous as this is, your website needs to be effectively funneling these new visitors towards accomplishing their goals, as well as your goals.

There are some key concepts that need to be put out on the table before we can dive into this:

    Number 1

    Not all your visitors arrive at your site through your homepage

    Number 2

    Without careful attention to your site’s structure and content, it is not certain that your site’s visitors will land on the page most relevant to their needs.

    Number 3

    If visitors to your winery’s website don’t find what they’re looking for right away, they’ll leave.

    If your visitors leave your site for this reason, they’ve formed an opinion about your winery which will be difficult to undo.

      Writing highly focused page-specific content will help visitors arrive at the right place, and it also helps us give them content that is more relevant to their needs.

      From here, and using free tools in Google Analytics, we can determine which pages we want our visitors to visit next, and design the page structure, the navigation, and calls-to-action accordingly.

      This is all part of your content strategy, and it is how we get your visitors to take those desired actions we mentioned earlier — click, subscribe, join, buy, visit … 

      By taking this strategic approach, your website’s visitors are more likely to have a positive experience — instead of leaving in frustration.

      Get started right now

      If you look at your Google Analytics data, you’ll probably notice that your website traffic has been hovering around the same level for months, or even years.

      Getting started with some well-targeted content marketing can spark some sharp increases.

       Before long, your winery’s marketing will be performing from a rock-solid foundation of improved search rankings, more exposure, more traffic, and more engaged visitors turning into customers.

      Don’t put it off — get started right away!

      *We will provide a detailed proposal for your approval before starting.

      Select the package you’re interested in. We’ll contact you to discuss your specific needs.

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